January 1939. When the British Foreign Minister receives a phone call from Berlin, Amsterdam must be warned. Forces within the Dutch government are working on staging a terrorist attack on their…

Translations? How? Why?
I’m sure you are all aware that I’m not a traditionally published author with million sales to my name. I write when I can and when I feel like it, I sell a handful of books a year, probably not enough to go grocery shopping… once. But you write because you want to. Because you […]

Paperback Writer – how to get them?
Late in 2022, I “remastered” my two existing novels, Under the Black Sand, and Blood and Rain. I made slight changes to the contents and redesigned the books. The cover of Black Sand is now completely different. Blood and Rain is now available in a hardcover for the first time. Both paperbacks are now larger, […]

Happy New 2023!
Dear reader,2022 is gone and 2023 is here. A year is different for us all. Some may experience it as the best year of their lives, while others are forced to stare into the void. 2022 was another strange year. Covid is still here. I lost a friend to the pandemic. My last grandparent left […]

End of Year Sale!
My eBooks are distributed through Smashwords. It takes the work out of having to individually publish them on the multiple platforms. Only Amazon and the physical books are published separately. Smashwords has a end-of-year sale and they offer authors to participate. As I have three books there, I was more than happy to take part. […]

Research and Writing
This last week, received the hardcover copy of my “remastered” debut novel, Under the Black Sand. Flicked through it. Read chapter one and the beginning of the second chapter. Thought I’d share this with you. Two paragraphs, but the first one sets the location. One paragraph that explains what kind of a neighbourhood it is. […]
Memory Lane

David Bowie 1947-2016
I wasn’t going to write about this. I was going to lie down with headphones on like I did in my teens. The way I heard “Heroes” for the first time. Listen to the album he released last Friday. The album that was a part of his death. But I can’t. I can’t put it […]

State of Mind
It is a well known misunderstanding that inspiration will come to the artist like a divine light from the heavens, and he will create his best work when sprinkled with the magic stuff most mortals don’t have. Talent, combined with the magic dust is what makes an artist. The untalented masses are merely consumers of […]

19 February 1916, 8:07 A.M. – a short story
The rain was pouring down, and I was cold, shocked and drained. An officer kicked me and called me a coward, pointed a rifle at me and told me if I didn’t get up he’d shoot me himself. I got up and aimed my rifle across no-man’s-land, fired in the general direction of the enemy.
During the Great War of 1914-1918, almost a thousand soldiers were executed for desertion and other crimes. This is for them.

Jónsmessa – smásaga
Sagt er að á Jónsmessu geti kýr talað, álfkonur freisti manna og selir breytist í menn. Jón fór til hvílu, en honum varð lítið um svefn þessa nóttina.

Queen of Hearts – a short story
The executioner raised his axe, and the queen walked away from her window. She could not be seen to be weaker than a king would. She turned to look into the large mirror on the wall. The dark hair flowing from under her crown, almost merging with her black velvet dress. Black, the colour of mourning.

Fan Fiction
I once tried my hand at fan fiction. You can see some of the results on the front page as the old posts rotate beneath my books. It was going well, I saw the world in front of my eyes, I liked Luna, the main character and the story was based on an incompleted work, […]
Blood and Rain – novel published
For immediate release. Blood and Rain, Villi Asgeirsson’s second novel, is published on 3 March 2017. It is a historic novel, taking place in civil war Spain in 1937. The novel follows a young Icelander, Gunnar Ólafsson, as he tries to realise his dream of becoming a world famous journalist. You can find a short description […]
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